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Leadership & Management How To’s & Insights

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Being a great leader requires more than just strong communication skills and a firm handshake. Today’s workplace leaders and managers have evolved to require a wide variety of soft and hard skills to effectively motivate employees and drive a digital agency to success. Knowing how to be empathic, how to set realistic goals, and how to handle internal conflict and social boundaries are all valuable assets. But how do you acquire them? Start by following these leadership and management tips.

How To Improve Profitability In Your Digital Agency

No matter what the size of your digital agency, profitability is always going to be a main priority. Every agency needs a consistent cash flow to keep up with the demands of clients and keep the organisation moving forward. Some constructive ways to do that include:

  • Conduct thorough market research – The more you understand your target market, the more succinct your profitability plan will be.

  • Decrease wastage – Every digital agency has expenditure blind spots. Identifying what yours are and eliminating them from the process will help you use profits more wisely.

  • Create and stick to budgets – Budgets are the necessary structure that holds business profitability together. Develop strong ones and stick to them for the best results.

  • Cultivate vendor relationships – Vendors (or manufacturers, retailers, and maintenance providers) play an important role in your agency’s cash flow. Cultivating strong relationships with them will open you up to better prices that lead to increased profits.

  • Nurture high-performing employees – Your best employees are your assets and should be treated as such. Nurture them and they will nurture your business’ best interests!

These methods for improving profitability are used by business leaders all over the world to create lucrative momentum and productivity, regardless of industry specifics.

How To Manage Digital Agency Employees

One of the most crucial aspects of being a good leader is knowing how to manage employees.

From both a human standpoint and a professional standpoint, they need to be provided with all the right resources needed to thrive. Some of the central insights for effective employee leadership and management include recruitment, monitoring, discipline, and reward.

The recruitment and onboarding strategy needs to be strong to make employees feel comfortable in their roles. Monitoring is key to ensuring performance is on track. And finally, discipline and rewards are needed to keep employees motivated and aligned with your agency’s values.

How To Be An Empathetic Leader

Empathy is one of the most underrated qualities of a good leader. Being an empathic manager means being able to understand other people’s needs, inspiring them, and earning a level of trust that encourages employees to follow your orders comfortably and enthusiastically.

Without empathy, employees may start to develop resentment toward their bosses and feel undervalued. This can lead to poor productivity and even conflict. By practising empathy in the workplace, you can generate a healthy perception from employees and develop much stronger business relationships.

How To Handle Failure

As much as we hate to admit it, no one is impervious to failure, even us! But handling failure is much easier said than done – and honestly, it isn’t even said that often. Let’s look at some simple ways to handle failure in a digital agency environment, whether it stems from personal or professional issues:

  • Accept your emotions – Failure can be an emotional process. Allow yourself to feel a range of emotions while you process what happened.

  • Have a backup plan – Having a plan of action is crucial to rectifying the situation. You may not have had one this time, but you can take this experience and use it to better prepare for the next. Formulating backup plans in advance is the best way to mitigate failure in general.
  • Learn and move forward – Accept your role in the failure and move on from it. Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, but it’s how you learn and get back up from them that counts.

Failure is a complex concept that many people prefer to shy away from. However, keeping a level head and developing a retaliation plan is the most effective way to handle unprecedented failure.

How To Communicate Clear And Realistic Expectations

When you’re a leader, people look up to you as an example of what to aim for. Clearly communicating your expectations helps employees understand what is required of them and makes it easier for them to achieve the goals you set for them.

Being realistic about those goals is also very important. Giving employees objectives you know they can’t achieve will only cause frustration and backlog. Instead, set goals that are fully in alignment with their professional capabilities and reward them when they are reached.

How To Prioritise Your Role As Manager

Great leaders take their roles seriously. If you want to become the type of manager that employees really respect and admire, making your job a priority is vitally important. You can do that by:

  • Define your objectives – Clearly established goals will help you and your employees understand themselves and their roles better. Be definitive and decisive in your approach to work.
  • Don’t stop learning – Just because you’re a leader it doesn’t mean you’ve learnt everything there is to know. Maintain a student’s attitude to continue improving and evolving over time.

When it comes down to it, prioritising your role as a manager is mostly about taking it seriously and being a dependable source of support, delegation, and insight.

Lead With Intention

The way you lead your digital agency matters. A lot.

Employees rely on their leaders to guide them in the right direction and keep engagement levels high – and why shouldn’t they? That’s what managers and supervisors are supposed to do.

But in reality, being a consistently reliable, supportive, and inspiring leader is as layered as an onion and as complex as an advanced algebra problem. This can make the role stressful and difficult at times. However, by implementing these leadership and management how-to’s and insights, anyone can equip themselves to better their leadership and management skills.

  • 💰 Conduct thorough market research to create a succinct profitability plan.
  • 🔍 Identify expenditure blind spots to decrease wastage.
  • 📊 Create and stick to budgets for business profitability.
  • 🤝 Cultivate strong vendor relationships for better prices and increased profits.
  • 👥 Nurture high-performing employees as your business’s assets.
  • 👨‍💼 Provide employees with the right resources through effective recruitment, monitoring, discipline, and reward.
  • 🤝 Be an empathetic leader to understand employees’ needs and generate healthy perceptions.
  • 🚫 Accept your emotions and have a backup plan to handle failure.
  • 📈 Communicate clear and realistic expectations to help employees achieve their goals.
  • 🎯 Prioritize your role as a manager by defining objectives and continuing to learn.