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Roast My Business

Here’s the pitch…


It’s super easy to let the day-to-day, ego or recent successes blind us in business. Sometimes we can’t see what we aren’t looking for and an outside view can shine a light on something we missed.

That’s where a Business Roast comes in…

You simply submit a few answers, honestly, in a form along with the most recent 3 months of your Profit and Loss statements and we’ll do the rest. You’ll get a fair and honest review of your business that helps to:

πŸ”₯ – Spot blindspots

πŸ”₯Β – Realise opportunities

πŸ”₯Β – Proactively problem-solve

πŸ”₯Β – Understand risks

There are 2 routes to receive a roast; Free or Paid, see how they differ here.

Why are you doing this?

Honestly, because we’re seeing an increasing number of businesses that are in trouble and they have no idea that they are… until its too late.

The roast is aimed at delivering a no-obligation, no-BS review of the business from an outside perspective which helps to open a business owners eyes a little.

πŸ‘‰- At Worst:Β It gets ignored or put in the ‘to-do’ box.
πŸ‘‰- At Best:Β It opens the door to real change that keeps the lights on.

If we can help spot something that you haven’t yet, then it might make all the difference to you and your business’s future.



βœ… – Business review based on form submission

βœ… – You get a 1-year cash-flow forecast based on P&L & form

βœ… – Your submission is reviewed in a queue

βœ… – Your roast video is redacted & the forecast is publicly shared

βœ… – Bookable 15-minute call to take your review questions

Free price: Β£0… Obviously.



βœ… – Business review based on form submission

βœ… – You get a 1-year cash-flow forecast based on P&L & form

βœ… – Roast shared within 7 working days

βœ… – Your review is not made public

βœ… – Bookable 30-minute call to talk you through the review

Paid price: Β£350 + VAT

Ready to roast?

If you’re ready to rock and roll, tap the button to the roast flavour of your choice.

Remember, you’ll need to put in a little time to complete the form and upload the 3 months of Profit and Loss statements, so when you have “ordered” and received an email with the next steps to follow, plan in the time appropriately.


This isn't something you'll see on offer elsewhere so you've probably got some questions….

How do the two options differ?

Short answer?
Money is a good motivator so if you pay, we can prioritise your roast over other unpaid work in our diaries.

More detail:
With the free version, your roast will be listed in an ever growing list of public videos. Your brand name and any identifying info will not be included so you don’t need to worry about getting ‘outed’ in businessland.

The paid version is for you and you alone, it won’t be shared online.

How long do I need to wait for my roast?

Free: It could be up to one month depending on the queue length as a maximum wait time.
Paid: Within 7 working days.

What happens after the roast is delivered?

When you get your roast video sent to you, alongside the link to download your cash flow forecast, you’ll also get a Calendly link. You can then book a call to discuss the roast and we go from there.

Free Roasts:
You get a 15 min slot to ask your questions and if you want support to make changes to the business, we can see what can be done to help.

Paid Roasts:
You get a 30 min slot to run through the roast in more detail, ask your questions. If you want support to make changes to the business, we can see what can be done to help.

How much time do I need to put in?

Realistically, probably 30 mins to complete the form we send you and (assuming you keep proper financial records) 10 mins to download the most recent past 3 months of Profit and Loss reports.

Other than that, either 15 or 30 more mins in our follow-up call.

Not that much effort huh?

If it’s so good, why is the paid option only Β£350?

Simple. The roast is the gateway to making something awesome happen in your business and it shouldn’t cost the earth or come with strings.

It’s not a massive moneymaker for The OMG Center because:

πŸ”₯ – We can use the free roasts in our marketing efforts

πŸ”₯ – You might want to work with us to make changes in your business

Everyone wins, and we don’t go bust by helping people out.

Ready to roast?

If you’re ready to rock and roll, tap the button to the roast flavour of your choice.

Remember, you’ll need to put in a little time to complete the form and upload the 3 months of Profit and Loss statements, so when you have “ordered” and received an email with the next steps to follow, plan in the time appropriately.

Roast (noun) /rΙ™ΚŠst/

Business Context:

A comprehensive and critical evaluation of a business plan or strategy, aimed at identifying both strengths and weaknesses with the objective of providing constructive feedback. This process involves a detailed examination of various components of the business, such as financial performance, operational efficiency, marketing strategies, and the overall business model, to pinpoint areas needing improvement and to uncover potential opportunities for growth. Distinguished by its straightforward and candid approach, a “roast” ensures that feedback is delivered in a clear and direct manner, facilitating a deeper understanding of the business’s current state and the steps necessary for advancement. The primary aim is to generate actionable insights that contribute to improved business outcomes and strategic development.

Example Sentences:

  • “The startup engaged in a business roast to critically assess their operational processes and market positioning.”
  • “The consultant’s roast of the company’s business plan revealed an overly optimistic cash flow forecast, prompting a reevaluation of market trends and expenditure.”
  • “The comprehensive roast provided by the external expert offered invaluable insights into the company’s strategic planning, highlighting areas for immediate improvement.”


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