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Agency Leader Lunch

What’s it all about?

We’re organising an intimate lunch for agency leaders to meet, eat, and network, all over an epic Italian lunch with brilliant wine.

This is not a sales lunch, this is a great excuse to grow your network.

The primary purpose is to enjoy time with peers and maybe make some professional connections that you might not have otherwise had the chance to.

The Details

📆 – 7th March

🕣 – 1pm GMT

📍- Doppo Soho

There will be a maximum of 12 Agency Leaders and 4 Agency Partners.

You’re invited to join us after lunch in The Crown and Two Chairman pub next door to continue the chat.

Make a Reservation

What can I expect?


GREAT food, brilliant wine and awesome company.

Meet your peers and talk about agency life, and how you’re finding things.

Your network is by far the best way to grow partnerships, referrals and friends in this industry, we’d like to facilitate that.

We’re aiming to run several of these lunches over the year in different UK cities.

After lunch, the list of attendees will be shared with everyone so you can make sure you keep in touch with the people you’ve enjoyed talking to.