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Move the needle, fast...With The 6-Month Agency Sprint

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Move the needle, fast…


Ready to move the needle in just six months? Dive into the ‘6-Month Agency Sprint’ from The OMG Center. Zero in on your agency’s challenge, tackle it head-on, and see tangible change. If the needle doesn’t budge in-line with what we agreed to support? You get your money back.

This is only for agency leaders who are looking to make a specific transformation, and willing to put the time into doing so.

What’s Included in the Sprint:


✅  Deep-Dive Assessment (Month 1):

A comprehensive evaluation of your agency’s current state, pain points, and potential areas of growth. This is where we’ll cement in the guarantee measures.

✅  Bespoke Strategy Development:

Creation of a tailored plan to address your agency’s primary challenge, drawing from best practices and innovative solutions.

✅  Twice Monthly Check-ins:

Regular touch points to monitor progress, address concerns, and make necessary adjustments and ensure traction.

✅  Hands-on Support:

Depending on your agency’s needs, this could include detailed feedback on client reports, review of client calls, and introduction of accountability processes.

✅  Access to Tools and Resources:

Exclusive guides, templates, and other materials to facilitate the implementation of strategies. This may include a wide variety of templates or tools as well as recommendations to work with our partners who can help with specific needs.

✅ Final Review and Analysis:

A wrap-up session at the end of the six months to evaluate results, discuss lessons learned, and plot out next steps and assess transformation based on the results required.

Managing Expectations…


✅ Commitment to Action:

Our advisors would expect adherence to the mutually agreed upon plan, taking into account the guidance and strategies provided.

✅ Regular Participation:

Engagement in twice monthly check-ins, feedback sessions, and any additional meetings, all of which would follow a structured agenda to facilitate positive outcomes.

✅ Transparency:

We’d need you to be ok with the sharing of necessary data, feedback, and insights to enable effective support and guidance, otherwise we’re flying blind.

✅ Contractual Obligations:

We’ll do our best to be clear and concise, you should be clear about your commitment, particularly around actions to be taken and the conditions of the money-back guarantee.

The Fee Guarantee…


✅ Your Fees:

You pay the agreed fees on a monthly basis. These fees will sit outside of normal OMG operations to ensure their safe keeping. Month 1 is a fixed and non-refundable fee, outside of the guarantee as we need to build the plan that the remaining time (and guarantee) links to.

✅ Payment Terms:

We’ll invoice each month with month 1 to be paid in advance of kick-off and months 2 to 6 with 30 days payment terms. Late payments will impact service delivery and your guarantee status.

✅ How it works:

The guarantee applies if, after the six months, the agreed-upon metrics or objectives are not met. We agree in month 1 what specific, fair and reasonable metric we can measure success on and get that in writing, with a signature from you. In some cases there may be a couple of measures if the target is harder to quantify.

✅ Conditionality:

The guarantee is conditional on you, the client fully committing to and acting on the agreed-upon advice/documents/activities. Failure to do so would void the guarantee. We’ll always make commitments clear and all our calls will be recorded, with actions logged and shared on our PM tool ClickUp.

✅ Measurement:

Measurement criteria will be defined at the outset and will form the basis for any refund claims. The measures will be conditional on SMART goals however, we appreciate that sometimes the “starting point” measure may not be in place in the agency yet.

Pick a scenario, see how a sprint works…


At the heart of our approach is the core methodology, DADA, which stands for Discover, Architect, Deliver, and Adopt.

This proven framework is meticulously incorporated into every sprint we undertake.

We begin by Discovering the intricacies of your agency, diving deep into its systems, processes, and core objectives.

With this understanding, we Architect a tailored plan, outlining a clear path towards your defined goals.

Once the blueprint is set, we Deliver by implementing the necessary changes, be it in workflows, tools, or team dynamics. But our commitment doesn’t end there.

We ensure you Adopt these changes, working alongside your team to integrate them seamlessly into your day-to-day operations.

This comprehensive approach is our guarantee, ensuring that every agency we work with not only achieves but exceeds their desired results.

Month One Fees:


£1,500 + VAT or $1,900 + TAX

Month Two to Six Fees:


£1,000 + VAT per month or $1,200 + TAX per month


Your questions (hopefully) answered…

<span id="faq"></span>

Q: How is the “6-Month Agency Sprint” different from other consultancy programs?

A: Our sprint is laser-focused on moving the needle for your agency in a short span, addressing your most pressing challenge. We pair this with a money-back guarantee, offering confidence in the value we deliver.

Q: What if my agency has multiple areas we want to tackle?

A: Our sprint zeroes in on the most pressing issue to ensure meaningful change. Post the initial six months, we can re-evaluate and potentially focus on another challenge. Alternatively, check out our core Accelerator Programme.

Q: How hands-on will The OMG Center team be during this process?

A: We’re right there with you. From detailed feedback sessions to participation in client calls, we’re an extension of your team during this sprint. We’ve got a lot of skin in the game with our guarantee in place, we want to see results!

Q: What happens if we don’t meet the objectives after six months, despite following all the advice and activities?

A: If you’ve adhered to the plan and we haven’t met the mutually agreed objectives, you’ll be eligible for a full refund as per our money-back guarantee. We’re in this sector for the long-haul, we’ve got no interest in letting people down. If it doesn’t work, and you did your part, we’ll give you month’s 2 to 6’s fees back!

Q: How are the objectives for the sprint determined?

A: During the first month’s deep-dive assessment, we’ll collaboratively establish clear, measurable objectives based on your agency’s most pressing challenge. We’ll make sure it is measurable and make sure it’s realistic too. We can’t guarantee a 10x revenue jump in 6-months if you’re on $10m revenue already, but 10x might be achievable if you’re earning less. It’s your objective and realism is key.

Q: What tools and resources will I get access to?

A: You’ll gain exclusive access to a range of tools, from templates and guides to best practices, all designed to expedite the transformation process.

For example:

  • Templated agency processes that you can literally nuance to your team and drop into your PM tools.
  • Sales and lead qualification tools
  • Documents that help you to find your focus, values and positioning.

Do you want?

More Money. More Time. Less Stress. More Quickly.