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The OMG Center PartnerContent Editorial Guidelines

We’re genuinely excited to welcome you aboard as a contributor to our platform. Your decision to share your insights and expertise with our audience marks the beginning of what we hope will be an enriching journey for both you and our readers.

We need to emphasise the importance of the foundation upon which our content standards are built.

The editorial guidelines we’ve crafted serve as part of our commitment to excellence in content creation. They are designed not only to ensure consistency across our platform but also to uphold the highest quality standards that our audience expects and deserves.

Adherence to these guidelines is crucial for several reasons. It ensures that your valuable contributions align with our collective vision, facilitating a cohesive and engaging experience for our readers. Moreover, it helps in preserving the integrity and credibility of our website, reinforcing our position as a trusted source of information.

Word count 


Each article should have a minimum of 800 words. There is no strict maximum word count, but we recommend keeping articles concise and informative. Aim for a maximum of 2,000 words if possible.  

Use of AI 


You may use AI to assist you in gathering information, organising content, and suggesting ideas. However, please ensure that the final text is your original work, written in your own words, to maintain a personal touch and authenticity.

We understand that contributors may want to use these tools to research story ideas and examples. Please share whether and how you have used these tools with Vicky. And remember, you are accountable for the accuracy, integrity, and originality of your content.

Don’t be lazy… This article will have your name, and your businesses name on it.  

People can spot AI copy a mile away.

Promotional content 


Your article should be focused on providing value to our audience, rather than overtly promoting your company.

Feel free to share your experiences and lessons learned, but avoid excessive self-promotion as it will serve to counter your efforts with the audience.

External links 


You may include links to your website or other relevant resources that support your points.

However, be mindful of the tone and ensure that the links you include are beneficial to the reader and align with the overall purpose of the article.  



Remember that you are writing for business leaders, so ensure your content is relevant and engaging for this target audience.

Consider their challenges, interests, and the kind of information they would find useful.  

As a guide:

Target Audience:

Businesses delivering services, ranging from startups to established entities, seek to optimise their operations, accelerate growth, and achieve sustainable success. They have between 3 and 50 staff in general.

Pain Points:

  • Struggling with consistent growth and scalability.
  • Facing operational inefficiencies and process bottlenecks.
  • Experiencing stress from unpredictable revenue streams and client management.
  • Lacking clear direction and actionable strategies for business development.

Desired Outcomes:

  • Accelerated and de-risked growth.
  • Improved operational efficiency and streamlined processes.
  • Increased revenue with reduced stress.
  • Clear strategic direction and actionable insights for business success.

Values & Motivations:

  • Desire for sustainable and predictable growth.
  • Value expert guidance and bespoke solutions tailored to their unique needs.
  • Motivated by results and tangible improvements in business performance.
  • Seek a collaborative partnership with a trusted advisor who understands the nuances of the digital marketing landscape.

Tone and style 


Maintain a professional yet conversational tone, as if you were speaking to a peer or colleague.

Use clear, concise language and avoid excessive jargon.

Break up the text with subheadings, bullet points, and short paragraphs to make it easily digestible. 

The easier it is for them to understand you, the better the outcome for both them and yourselves. 

Proper formatting 


Ensure your article is properly formatted with a clear structure, including an engaging introduction, informative body, and a strong conclusion. Use subheadings to separate sections, and bullet points or numbered lists for easier readability.

Articles should be easy to read and well-structured with appropriate H2, H3 and H4s. Please submit articles in .docx or Google Docs. Ensure full edit permissions if sharing a link.

When citing sources, please link to the original source with contextual anchor text (rather than “source”), rather than another website that cites the original source. 

When writing headlines, only the first letter of the first word is capitalised, e.g. Desktop plans for SEO professionals 

Sentences should be uncomplicated and easy to read, with minimal unnecessary “fluff”. 

Feel free to use images, GIFs and emojis as and where you feel suitable.



Thoroughly proofread your work for any spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors.

This not only demonstrates professionalism but also helps maintain the high quality of content on our site.

We’re not your mum. If the content needs more than a couple of grammatical, structural, or spelling changes we’ll send it back and you’ll have to see us after class 🤪

Original content 


Please ensure that your article is unique and has not been published elsewhere.

We value original thought and want to provide our readers with fresh, insightful content.

By following these guidelines, you will help us maintain the high quality of content our readers have come to expect from The OMG Center.

Upload and Sharing Processes  


  1. Share your proposed title and synopsis with Vicky for approval. 
    1. This helps us ensure the topic aligns with our content strategy and avoids duplication.  
  2. Write and proofread your content, checking it is correctly formatted, then send it to Vicky for further proofing and uploading. 
    1. Include images and placeholders within the content so we can ensure these are correctly uploaded to the article.  
  3. Provide an author bio and headshot, keeping it consistent with your other bios elsewhere to maintain a professional appearance.  
  4. We will schedule the article and share the link for you to use in your own promotion.